How to donate

The Advocate Mission is a non profit (501 c3) organization. All donations are deemed tax-deductible.
EIN: 84-4262954
Our stewardship principles
- We continually strive to be good stewards of your gifts
- We would rather "do" than to "give"
- As a general rule, we do not provide direct financial support. In
fact, we haven't yet. However, when a family's ability to support a child
is at risk due to some hardship, The Advocate will consider providing some
support - When providing support, we do our best to ensure that we do not
create any unhealthy dependencies
*Please note, by utilizing Paypal, a 2.2% + $0.30 per transaction fee is required.
If you prefer to use a method that requires no transaction costs, we do accept checks as a form of donation as well.
Please make checks out to the following:
The Advocate Mission
12633 Kemerton Lane
Huntersville, NC 28078